
How To Use Lightforged Warframe

Lightforged Warframe

Family unit: Mechanical

Type: Reputation

Faction: Neutral

Zone: Argus

Reputation: Army of the Low-cal

Sold By: Vindicator Jaelaana

Recommended Level: Level 45

Skill Level: 1/10

Lightforged Warframe
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Unlocking Argus

Written Guide to getting to Argus

To unlock Argus, you first need Legion World Quests unlocked. Head to Khadgar in the Violet Citadel within Broke Isles Dalaran. He volition have a quest called Uniting the Isles which you tin pick up at level 45 and above. You lot can instantly mitt this in and Earth Quests in Broken Isles will now be unlocked.

Adjacent upwards head to Krassus Landing within Dalaran and you lot will find Khadgar here once more, he will have a quest for yous to set on the Broke Shores, this is a decently long Scenario. Once done, hand in the quest and caput dorsum to Khadgar in the Violet Citadel, he will now have a quest called Paw of Fate which will take you lot to a ship docked inside Orgrimmar or Stormwind depending on Faction. This will lead you to Exodar and from here eventually to Argus.

Now it's a case of continuing the story quests inside Argus until you have all the zones and World Quests unlocked. This tin be fairly time consuming nonetheless.

The Lightforged Warframe is purchasable once you reach Exalted with the Army of the Light from Vindicator Jaelaana for 530,000g.

Vindicator Jaelaana tin exist found inside the Vindicaar in Argus.

Getting Exalted with Army of Light isn't besides bad at all. You'll firstly desire to complete the yellowish story quests plant on the Vindicaar in Argus, these will give you a large clamper of reputation and unlock Earth Quests in the iii zones within Argus.

At this betoken you lot accept 4 main ways of getting reputation with Ground forces of Low-cal

Weekly Quests

There will be two weekly quests bachelor if you've progress far plenty in the story. Fuel of a Doomed Globe which is to collect 50 Pristine Argunite from Invasion Points, Rares or Treasures across Argus, this awards one thousand reputation. The 2nd is Invasion Onslaught which is to complete three Invasion Points in Argus (indicated past the Light-green Portal on the map), this also awards 1000 reputation.

Earth Quests and Emissary Caches

Completing Globe Quests across the three zones in Argus tin can award between 150 and 350 reputation. So ensure y'all are completing all the World Quests that are tied to Army of Light which are by and large found in Antoran Wastes and Mac'Aree merely the Aristocracy Impale quests in Krokuun also provide Army of Light reputation.

You also have the Emissary Cache if this is available, y'all will be given a new Emissary Cache for a Legion faction each day, at that place is a risk this will be Ground forces of Light. If it is then just complete 4 Earth Quests in Argus and hand in the Emissary for 1000 reputation.

Reputation Insignia

The Army of Light Insignia and Greater Ground forces of Light insignia tin be awarded from your Class Club Hall mission tabular array missions if you've progressed the story in Argus far plenty.

They can besides exist obtained from the bonus loot of mission table missions in the Greater Tribute of the Broken Isles.

You can besides find them as World Quest rewards in Argus and these will exist Bind of Account significant y'all can complete the Earth Quest on an alt then transport the reputation token to your main character.

Demon Soulstone

This is an particular you volition rarely get from the Aristocracy enemies found across Argus that can only be killed for their loot once per day. This will honour one thousand reputation when used.


Humans receive ten% extra reputation from all sources due to their racial vitrify. Additionally, countless reputation buffs can be utilized to speed up your reputation gains further, such as the WHEE! (DMF is around for 1 week every month), WOW Anniversary buff or other mini-holiday related buffs such as Grim Visage.

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