
What Is The Powhatan Confederacy

Chief Powhatan as drawn by Captain John Smith
Master Powhatan as seen past the English

Johns Smith's Map of 1612

Pre-1607 - Before the arrival of the English the Virginia Indians had been living in what is now Virginia for over 12,000 years. Master Powhatan inherited six tribes that made upward what became known as the Powhatan Chiefdom during this time. The Powhatan Indian lands encompassed all of the tidewater Virginia area, from the south side of the James River north to the Potomac River, and parts of the Eastern Shore, an area they called Tsenacommacah. Its span was approximately 100 miles by 100 miles. Before the arrival of the English, and their strange diseases, the population is estimated to have been at least 25,000.

May 1607 - When the English language arrived Wahunsunacock, or more popularly Chief Powhatan, was the mamanatowick (paramount chief) of the more than 30 tribes that comprised the Powhatan Chiefdom. These additional tribes had been gained through wedlock alliances and coercion. Each tribe had their own main (weroance/weroansqua), but all were "ruled" past Powhatan and paid "tribute" to him. By this time the population of the members of the chiefdom was about 15,000 - these are the peoples the English interacted with well-nigh.

17th Century engraving of John Smith
17th Century engraving of Captain John Smith

Unknown Creative person

Wintertime 1607 - Captain John Smith was captured while out exploring and taken to Werowocomoco where Powhatan lived. The 2 men conversed and came to an agreement of sorts and in the spring of 1608 Smith was released. Powhatan then began to transport gifts of food to help the English - his young daughter Pocahontas usually accompanied these visits as a sign of peace.

1609 - Smith was injured when his gunpowder pouch defenseless fire and was sent home to England. With his difference relations between the Powhatan Indians and the English began to sour more rapidly. Powhatan moved from Werowocomoco to Orapaks, which was further inland, to get away from the English.

pocahontas_Simon van de Passe engraving
17th Century Simon Van de Passe engraving of Pocahontas

Unknown British Museum

1610 - Pocahontas, who was now a young woman, married a Powhatan "private captain" named Kocoum.

1613 - The English kidnapped Pocahontas to endeavour and force the render of English language prisoners and stolen weapons. She was eventually taken to Henrico to live. Negotiations between the two peoples began.

1614 - While in captivity Pocahontas was taught English language ways, the Christian faith and baptized Rebecca. During this time she met an Englishman named John Rolfe, who wanted to ally her. With blessings from her father and the governor, co-ordinate to English language accounts, the two were married. The matrimony solidified a peace betwixt the English and the Powhatan that became known as the "Peace of Pocahontas." The Rolfes subsequently had a son, who was named Thomas.

1616 - The Virginia Company paid to send Pocahontas, her hubby, their infant son and several Powhatan Indians to England. Their promise in doing so was to gain more interest in Jamestown.

1617 - Pocahontas became sick and died in Gravesend, England. After her death the peace between the Powhatan Indians and the English language back in Virginia began to unravel.

1618 - Powhatan died. His succession was briefly passed on to his younger brother, Opitchapam, and then to his adjacent younger brother Opechancanough.

Sydney King interpretive painting of 1622 Indian Attack
Indian Attack of 1622

NPS epitome

1622 - Tired of English expansion Opechancanough planned a coordinated attack on the English settlements. Because of a immature Indian boy'southward alert Jamestown itself was spared. Many outlying settlements were attacked and of a population of about 1,200 settlers about 350-400 were killed. Subsequently their set on, on March 22, the Powhatan Indians withdrew, as was their way, to wait for the English to pack upwards and leave. The English did non go out and more conflicts arose and continued on and off for the next 10 years.

1644 - Although the English population had risen to about 8,000 Opechancanough was still upset about the English language inroad on the country and planned another attack. Once again approximately 350-400 English were killed.

1646 - Opechancanough, who was most 100, was captured by the English. While in captivity he was shot in the dorsum by an English guard - confronting orders - and killed. His death began the end of the Powhatan Chiefdom.

1646/77 - Treaties were signed between the Powhatan and the English. They limited access to lands that were considered English and set up reservations. The 1677 treaty also prepare yearly tribute payment that was made to the English king. The Powhatan were now English subjects.

Mattaponi Indian Reservation pottery
21st Century Mattaponi Indian Reservation pottery made in the traditional manner

Sarah J Stebbins

1693 - The Higher of William and Mary was founded to teach American Indians and clergy. In the early 1700s Governor Spotswood told the Powhatan Indians he would remit their yearly tribute payments if they sent their children to the school. By the belatedly 1700s funding for the college was diverted elsewhere and the schoolhouse was closed to non-whites until 1964.

1700s - More Indian lands were lost, including the reservations of the Rappahannock (before long later 1700), the Chickahominy (1718), and the Nansemond (who sold theirs in 1792). Some traditional ways were still skilful, but later on decades of interactions with the English many Powhatan Indians were identifying themselves as Christians and speaking English language more and more than. By 1800 many of the native languages were no longer heard.

1800s - The desire to push the Powhatan Indians off their lands began again. This time the specific target was the four remaining Virginia Indian tribes that still held onto their reservation lands. The whites also wanted to end their status every bit tribes. Ane reservation was sold by 1850 while another, the Nottoway Reservation, was divided by 1878 (though many families held onto their lands into the 20th century). The Mattaponi and Pamunkey are the just two tribes that refused to give in to the attempts and nevertheless maintain their reservations into the present day.

1912-1946 - Walter Plecker was the head of vital statistics in Virginia during this time. He was a follower of the eugenics movement and a white supremacist. Plecker performed what amounted to "paper genocide" against all Virginia Indians because he wanted to deny they existed as he idea at that place were no "truthful" Indians in Virginia. In his view if you had 1/16th African ancestry, or past 1923 any trace of African ancestry, you lot were considered "colored." He wanted all documents, such as birth certificates, death certificates, marriage licenses, voter registration books, etc to reflect this by non using the term "Indian." The simply ii classifications according to Plecker were "white" and "colored."

1924 - The Racial Integrity Act was passed. It said, amid other things, that it was illegal for whites and not-whites to marry as well as recognized only two racial classifications: "white" and "colored." Walter Plecker was a strong advocate for it every bit he wanted to proceed the white "principal race" "pure" and because he denied the existence of the Virginia Indians - who he chosen "mongrels." He believed the Virginia Indians wanted to escape "negro status" and then they could go to white schools and marry whites. After this act was passed it was easier for Plecker to get his wish in having documents use only the terms "white" or "colored." To escape Plecker's aggressive campaign many Virginia Indians left the state. This is the same year the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 was passed. The Act granted all American Indians United states of america citizenship - some had gained information technology previously through matrimony, special treaties, receipt of allotments or through military service.

1967 - The United States Supreme Court overturned the Racial Integrity Act in the case Loving vs. Virginia saying "Nether our Constitution, the freedom to marry, or non ally, a person of another race resides with the private and cannot exist infringed by the Country." Virginia Indians were now able to marry who they chose and more importantly to alter their birth certificates to accurately testify they were Indians, for a fee. After 1997, when Delegate Harvey Morgan's bill passed, any Virginia Indian born in Virginia could have their records changed for complimentary.

Picture of photo collage from inside the Pamunkey Indian Museum located on the Pamunkey Indian Reservation
Close-up image of primal slice of the photo collage in the Pamunkey Indian Museum

Sarah J Stebbins

1980s - Past the end of the 1980s there were seven tribes recognized by the Republic of Virginia who were office of, or allied with, the Powhatan Chiefdom: the Pamunkey, Mattaponi (both maintain their reservation lands from the 1600s), Upper Mattaponi, Chickahominy, Eastern Chickahominy, Nansemond, and the Rappahannock.
The Monacan Nation, who was never part of the Powhatan Chiefdom, was recognized by the Commonwealth of Virginia during this time as well.

1990s-2009 - 6 of the land recognized tribes, all but the 2 reservation tribes, began seeking federal recognition through an Act of Congress. They accept tried to get the Thomasina E. Jordan Indian Tribes of Virginia Federal Recognition Act passed many times over the years.
In March 2009 the tribes sent the bill to the Business firm Committee on Natural Resources to start the process again. On April 22 the committee recommended the bill be sent on to the Business firm of Representatives, who passed it on June 3. The Senate and so referred a companion pecker to their Committee on Indian Affairs, who had information technology sent to the full Senate on October 25. The nib was then placed on the Senate Legislative Calendar on December 23, 2009. This is the farthest the bill has ever gotten in the congressional process.
The Senate bill later died as a outcome of a hold placed on it - past Senator Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) - that prevented it from being heard and voted on past the Senate before 2010 came to a close (the end of that Congressional session).

Virginia Indians dancing for Virginia Indian Heritage Day at Jamestown Settlement ,2008.
Virginia Indian Heritage Twenty-four hours at Jamestown Settlement (2008).

Sarah J Stebbins

2010 - In early 2010 three more than tribes were recognized by the Republic of Virginia: the Patawomeck, the Nottoway, and the Cheroenhaka (Nottoway). There are now xi tribes recognized by the Commonwealth of Virginia and eight who are Powhatan descended - the Patawomeck Indian Tribe joins the seven tribes that were land recognized in the 1980s. Nigh three,400 people are tribal members of these viii Powhatan descended tribes.
The Monacan Nation has 2,000 tribal members, the Nottoway Indians of Virginia have 120 tribal members, and the Cheroenhaka (Nottoway) Indians of Virginia have 272 tribal members.
Collectively these eleven recognized Virginia Indian tribes own less than 2,000 acres of land.
The 2 reservation tribes, the Mattaponi and the Pamunkey, go along to make the yearly tribute payments of fish and game, now to the Virginia governor, as stipulated in the 1646 and 1677 treaties.
Many other Powhatan Indian and Virginia Indian descended tribes are nevertheless living in Virginia, and elsewhere, today. Several who still live in Virginia are currently seeking state recognition.

2011 - In Feb, all six tribes began the process to gain federal recognition again, placing a bill in the United states House of Representatives (H.R.783) and a companion bill in the Senate (Due south.379) on the aforementioned twenty-four hour period. On July 28, 2011, the Senate Commission on Indian Affairs approved the Senate bill; the nib is currently waiting to be placed on the Senate legislative calendar. The House bill is currently in the Firm Subcommittee Indian and Alaska Native Affairs. Both bills remain in the same spot every bit of April 2012. If the bills exercise not pass past the finish of 2012 (the cease of this Congressional session), the tribes must beginning the procedure all over again.
For the most upwards to date data on the bills:
Firm version of Indian Tribes of Virginia Federal Recognition Act
Senate version of Indian Tribes of Virginia Federal Recognition Act


Breed, Allen. "Virginia Indians cramp at Jamestown Ceremony without Recognition." 12/26/2005. Spider web. 22 May 2008.

Dilday, Robert. "Baptists executives urge federal recognition of Virginia tribes." 08/19/2010. Web. 21 August 2010.

Egloff, Keith and Deborah Woodward.

Offset People: The Early Indians of Virginia.

Charlottesville: The University Press of Virginia,1992.

Fiske, Warren. "The Black-and-White World of Walter Ashby Plecker." The Virginian-Pilot. 08/18/2004 i-7. Web. 22 May 2008.

Gleach, Frederic W. Powhatan'south World and Colonial Virginia: A Conflict of Cultures. Lincoln: The University of Nebraska Press, 1997.

"" H.R. 1385: Thomasina East. Hashemite kingdom of jordan Indian Tribes of Virginia Federal Recognition Act of 2009.05/13/2009. Web. 18 March 2009

"Govtrack.u.s.." South.1178: Indian Tribes of Virginia Federal Recognition Act of 2009. 04/06/2010. Web. 3 June 2009.

Kimberlain, Joanne. "Nosotros're Still Here." The Virginian-Airplane pilot. June 7-9 2009: Print.

"Native American Citizenship: 1924 Indian Citizenship Act." Spider web. 24 May 2009.

Rountree, Helen C. Pocahontas, Powhatan, Opechancanough: Iii Indian Lives Inverse by Jamestown. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2005.

Rountree, Helen C. (editor) Powhatan Foreign Relations: 1500-1722. Charlottesville: Academy Printing of Virginia, 1993.

Rountree, Helen C. The Powhatan Indians of Virginia: Their Traditional Culture. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1989.

Rountree, Helen C. and E. Randolph Turner Three. Before and Later Jamestown: Virginia'due south Powhatans and Their Predecessors. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2002.

"THOMAS (Library of Congress)." H.R.1385. 06/04/2009. Spider web. x June 2009.

"THOMAS (Library of Congress)."S.1178. 12/23/2009. Web. x June 2009.

"THOMAS (Library of Congress)." H.R.783. 09/29/2011. Spider web. xv February 2011.

"THOMAS (Library of Congress)." S.379. 09/29/2011. Web. 15 February 2011.

Forest, Karenne (editor). The Virginia Indian Heritage Trail. Charlottesville: Virginia Foundation for the Humanities, 2007.

Sarah J Stebbins
NPS Seasonal, May 2009
updated June 2010, Apr 2012

Available online through the National Park Service is A Study of Virginia Indians and Jamestown: THE FIRST CENTURY by Danielle Moretti-Langholtz, Ph.D.

Additional information on Virginia Indians tin can be obtained through the Virginia Council on Indians website at:

What Is The Powhatan Confederacy,


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